At first, we planned to go to Pangkor Island. As a couple of friends said that it is the best n enjoyable place 2 go for a holiday. Inspite of beautiful beaches, it also offered a place for people to experience the scuba diving activity. Unfortunately, due to some technically n financially problem; we r not able to fulfill our dream to visit Pangkor.
So to b not disappointed we planned to Genting. It is the 2nd time actually we’ve been there. The 1st time we went was on the end of ramadhan. The idea just came all of sudden after we broke our fasting. By the time we reached there it was almost midnight. All of the rides were already closed. So, the only thing we can do is enjoyed the fresh n coldy air.
A journey to Genting by a car wasn’t really a right decision. Coz Genting road is very known as a “snake”. Drove up to the hills is ok but going down was a nightmare! Without an experienced n competence driver, a tragic accident can b happen at anytime. Mostly during a rainy day when the road is so slippery.
Alhamdulillah, luck is still on our side. N all of this photos succeded being taken n published in this post. B4 I end my writing, I’d like to express my fully gratitudes n thanks 2 my friend who worked at Genting. Without his helped, sure we can not get 50% discount to play all the games n also ate at the staff cafĂ© where the food is much more cheaper n more varieties. So, here’s the photos!