Monday, October 13, 2008

No turning back

Well..back 2 KL.back 2 normal life. cosmo,asgmn, thts wht ppl normally say – student’s life. wht a routine,I wd say.

Well, a quote says, “life hs 2 mv on”. I believe it hs 2. coz by sitting all day counting d day 2 past..its just killing. Nobody knows hows their life gonna b in d future. Sometimes eventhough u hv plan so well, but times will tell is it work according 2 ur plan or x.
recalling my time when I hd my 1st degree, my stereotype thought just told me..after my graduation, of course I’ll b hunting 4 a job. Earn my own cash then from there..when im fully stable I will look 4ward 2 hv a family. Husband,loving n beautiful kids,ya know. But who knows,after 2 years graduation I still here. 2gether with d rest,struggling finish a degree in comp software spcialist.

2b honest, I don’t really think im “in” 2 it. After all this long study in this field, I hardly see my enthusiasm in this field. I just felt tht its x me. I do study, do all d asgmn given, try 2 achieve as much as I can during d exam. But then I still feel d emptiness in my mind n my heart. Wht other choice do I hv. If this wht ppl think will guarantee u a bright future, so like it or x I hv 2 b with it. Its just sometimes im running out of my focus n keep thinking how misfortune myself compare 2 others.

Thank god, I hv some1 who always accompany n encourage me when I feel down. I guess, if it wasn’t bcoz of his support, I will x possibly hv a courage 2 move on.

1 comment:

sunnyside up said...

Well, i'm glad you have your boyfriend to encourage you in times of need. Just be strong.