Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fght 4 ur right!

hey,hv u all read my previous post? tht one is actually forwarded to me from someone. i think its quite interesting to share with all of u. specially the women.. reading through the article i think will gv u a view what exactly a man thinks when they see us. so, examine urself. which 1 do u were belong to - "perempuan yg lawa ker or x lawa"..hihi..
come on,guys..stand up n tell me ur right to fight it back! hidup org pompuan!


teratai said...

beauty is something abstract..

so...terpulang la pada kita nak menilai kecantikan diri kita dari sudut mana

and for those guys..mmg dah lumrah kaum mrk. hanya tgk luaran aje but believe me..they just said all that but as a fact man also ada akal dan fikiran.

mrk juga tau menilai sbnrnya.

let me share something to u from the quote of Ashley Stephen "beauty is something from your inner side that reflect to your face and act. that is the real beauty. it comes naturally.."

sunnyside up said...

I remember this quotation given by my late dad, with slight modification :

"All my books were women's look and trouble's all they have given me "