Monday, June 9, 2008 funny when one of my classmates told my result for java paper. as much as i expected, i didnt do well in that paper. i didn't felt any dissapointed for that. coz i know where on earth is my level. studying here in cosmo, taking all the computer programme is not really my interest. but what other choice do i hv.. poor me.

i just think that i'm not an analytical person. since my schooling i just dont luv the mathematics subjets. never failed on that, but just didn't take it so seriously as other subjcets. only when i study for a degree at uum then i get started to work hard on it. what a surprised, i scored the paper. same to the course i take, social work. it is not my choice also, just being offered to me. at first, i don't hv any interest at all. but, i tried to love it. as ppl said, "love whatever u do, inspite of do whatever u love"..coz in real life u'll find that theres no guarantee that u'll get what u want..
then,try whatever comes ahead..


sunnyside up said...

i really don't know what to say about your posting kumicha.

You have your reasons for doing whatever you're doing. Whatever it may be, i wish you the best. You are n suffering from lack of intelligent. Be confident of yourself and i sincerely wish for all your dreams to come true !

sunnyside up said...

Correction to my comment.

" You are not suffering from lack ......"

teratai said...

hi kam...first of all dun under estimate urself. always have faith in urself.

may i know whose picture was that rite at the bottom of this blog site? she's so cute.. is she ur sister?

kumicha said...

hey,teratai.Tq 4 ur time 2 drop by on my blog.didnt xpect 2 receive a comment from ya.

well,no wonder i kept pulling myself down since im not lucky n good as u r.ahaks!

that pic on my blog actually accidentally being fact, i just want to try it out. didnt realize thats the outcome.

p/s: havent seing my blog with exam..

sunnyside up said...

oopppsss....more mistake in my comment. Should be 'lack of intelligence"..(slap on the right wrist)